agoodword, choices, encouragement
Age of Influencers
Sandee Macgregor / September 30, 2023
It seems like nowadays, more often than not we turn to our favourite online spaces for inspiration and advice. We look to content creators for their expertise on everything from finance, to recipes, to academics, parenting, theology, fashion, home design, makeup tutorials, music, restaurants…you name it! These influencers hold a space in the vast universe of the internet that seems to quietly yet persistently represent the passions of millions. Critics of these online spaces and communities have raised concerns about the newness of it all, and they have some valid and legitimate points; however, when it comes to the influencers themselves, what we’re seeing right now is a tale as old as time.
Each and every one of us has our sphere of influence that speaks into the lives of others, but not all of them are virtual. In fact, most of them are not, because influence begins right in the home. Those of us with multiple children know all too well the influence of the oldest child when their younger sibling begins to copy everything they do!
Everything you do in every moment influences others, whether you’re aware of it or not. Even the smallest, most ordinary moments have an impact on others, for better or for worse. Influence precedes us and follows us. Think of one person you don’t personally know, right now, and how they have influenced you: a famous chef whose healthy recipes have inspired you to cook more. An acquaintance on Instagram whose nursery decor has lit a fire in you to finally organize your closet. A pastor whose sermon made you want to reach out to that friend you’ve been meaning to call for a while. Think about the people in your everyday life, whom you surround yourself with. What they say, what they wear, how they laugh, smile, or furrow their brow when they make a mistake. Think about someone whose face lights up when they succeed at something they’ve been trying to do for a while, and how all of these things have an impact on you.
So why do we immediately jump to a social media personality with a million followers when we think of the word influencer? It’s been used so disparagingly lately, but even content creators with a wide sphere of influence do good things for the world. Maybe that’s even you right now! And if it is, if God’s will is for you to bring glory to him through your position, then steward it with grace, just as you would offline with your friends, family and community.
We all have one life to live, and through it we are blessed with millions of unexpected moments in which to influence and be influenced. The best ones happen organically and unexpectedly, but not all influence is good. Think of a time when you were influenced to buy a product, only to have the euphoria quickly fade as soon as the next product or influencer comes along.
Sometimes we can unintentionally lead others astray through our own mistakes, if we are not careful about owning and taking responsibility for them. That’s why I personally prefer to inspire, rather than influence. To inspire others requires a degree of conscientiousness, as it causes us to focus on our own words and actions rather than those of others. Recently, I have been reading Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber (The movie is coming out; I can’t wait!), and those who influenced her toward Jesus did more than that; they inspired her toward a giant leap of faith right into the arms of Jesus through trust, truth, friendship, love and discussion.
When we seek to inspire rather than influence, we take responsibility for what we put out there in the world. I personally would rather inspire others toward Jesus than influence others on the wrong path and toward what is temporary. To influence holds great weight, yes, but to inspire evokes change in all the good ways. If we enter a room to influence with impure motives, we risk exuding a selfishness that will likely linger beyond. Inspiration, on the other hand, naturally flows from a place of growth, hardship, trial, mountain-top moments, grit and grace. I have met those people. There is a look in their eye, a calm in their voice, a peaceful demeanour, an inquisitive persona and gentleness that inspires conversations beyond themselves. You walk away lighter, even if your load is heavy. You have been heard, and inspired to take that next leap of faith. Even if it means allowing that inspirational conversation to resonate in your spirit until the next step comes to you.
Ultimately, the Holy Spirit draws us in and in his perfect ways, God chooses to love us through others. I love this line in the book, “It’s hard to shake off an elephant when perched on your soul.” (Chapter 8 Jesus the Great Polarizer 2:39 minutes Surprised by Oxford Carolyn Weber). What if the elephant imprinted on souls was meaningful inspiration in your life? We likely would not be able to shake off the ‘elephant’; as a result, others, too, would be inspired and leave with that sense of awe and wonder.
How about, instead of living in the age of influencers, we cultivate an age of inspiration with a side of influence? What would the world look like then?
What are we waiting for? Listen in to for King & Country and one of their latest songs/videos. A great challenge for us!
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
- Hebrews 1:3 NIV
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