Highlights, Hope
A melodic embrace
Sandee Macgregor / July 31, 2020
Amy Grant, Imperials, White Heart, Michael W. Smith, Petra and Evie are a few names that depending on a variety of factors, may have a unique place in your timeline. Perhaps you are hearing these names for the first time. Each one played a part in my love for christian music. With our walkmans, tape cassettes or record players, each one of these musicians/bands created lasting impressions mainly because of the lyrics with a life-giving message and cool album covers. This ages me, that’s okay as I loved the walkman and records are making a comeback!
I still hear various songs rolling through my mind. It has this melodic embrace that pursues me. Often times it stays there, on repeat, and unable to break free of what the musician is trying to relay. Music has the ability to capture us through a symphony of lyrical prose and mesmerizing beats. It shapes you in one way or another. I can still hear Steve Green joyfully sing scripture on his CD, Hide ’em in your Heart that played in our home or car when my kids were young. I have the WOW Worship CD’s from the 90’s and early 2000’s that take me back to precious moments that God used as an anthem for that moment in my life. I recall a time when Amy Grant was coming to the city for a small venue. Somehow my cousin, his wife and my husband scored some tickets, not sure how! I clearly recall she had just landed and was travel-weary, but determined to sing! To be so close in person was exciting and hearing her sing some favourite songs was a joy.
Music is in my heart, mind and soul. It’s refreshing, it’s grace, it’s a blessing. It moves me toward my creator as I sing. This is a way of exhibiting worship to God. I am not a singer, although I love to sing. This does not disqualify me from participating. I remember being asked by one of my Bible study leaders years back if there was anything I would like to do but have not yet done. I responded with singing. This does not mean I am going to do this beyond the inside of my truck or shower! It was just a raw moment of conversation and sharing. Those that are called to lead others in worship are blessed with skills to guide us toward exalting our creator.
Worship should not just be an expected aspect to church, but and anticipated grace.
There are also lyrics that consume, pollute and distort our minds. I have those lyrics in my head as well. Blocking them is not a simple task, but a choice. Most of the lyrics make me laugh and do not bother me at all. Some stick and I do not like the words that linger. The tune, beat and lyrics combined can lull us into a place that can be harmful- especially our minds. In my teen years I listened to songs at times that represented a lament of sorts. A broken heart that needed to heal and be soothed by a few minutes of a popular song. I listened in my own brokenness and at the end of the 2-3 minutes did not find what the song promised. I did have a melody rolling around along with more tears and red eyes. The song moved me, as music does. I reached for it to lighten the load. Even better was listening with a group of friends. We would all sing out loud fiercely as if it were group therapy, and well, it was! Our choices mean something, even with music. I am grateful for the incredible musicians right now seeking to glorify God and spread the gospel – the good news that Jesus died for my sins and was raised from the dead. I have linked this site Bible Project in a previous post. Here are some great links to explain the good news from that same site.
The strength in Psalm 150 is a call to worship in song, not for just us, but to praise the one who ultimately created it,
Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness!
Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
As a church, worshiping together is a meaningful, moving and powerful experience to honour God. It is a chosen opportunity to bring praise to our Heavenly Father. Often I close my eyes and picture I have an audience of one. Just me standing before our maker and singing. There is a wonderful song performed by Big Daddy Weave called, Audience of One from Acoustic EP 2008. When we first moved into the country, I quickly found out one of my passions became a treasured activity: headphones on, walking on trails (sometimes with a dog) listening to worship music. Just me, the music and my audience of one. These times would bring my soul into focus and my heart the right place. A melodic embrace worshiping God.
Below are links to songs from the archives by Amy Grant that I have always loved followed with an interview by Moira Brown from a few years ago (October 28, 2013) through One Hundred Huntley Street. https://www.100huntley.com/. Amy Grant recites a beautiful poem she wrote for her mom, it is lovely.
Music is everywhere. Today I am grateful for all the musicians that have influenced me and literally brought me to tears with their beautiful music.
Thinking of music from the past has reminded me of the significant role it has played in my life. It has also encouraged me to keep music flowing in my home that subtly and sometimes loudly reminds our family how much we are loved by the God of creation. Enjoy these links and consider looking into other platforms that introduce some fantastic christian music (google play, apple etc). What is on your playlist that moves you?
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Love this! Music is the language of our heart. You brought out so many good angles/aspects of music, personal and appreciated because it gives us a look inside you and your experience with music and song and artists. I’ve gained a whole new appreciation of worship of late and I want to continue that . Thank you ??
Thankful for a home that allowed us to absorb God-fearing music naturally!
Thank you for allowing our home to be a place we could listen to music that was encouraging and life-giving!