Daughters of the King Episode Six with Mackenzie Balmer: Helping the Next Generation Serve God
Sandee Macgregor / June 10, 2024
“The Resurrection of Forgiveness”
Forgiveness is evidence of a resurrected people.
Forgiveness begins and ends with Christ. Implementing forgiveness frees us from the weight of
sin and reminds us that forgiveness belongs to God. If we want to testify of Jesus’ life and
death, we can start by showing the world that forgiveness is evidence of a resurrected people.
Colossians 2:2-3
Colossians 2:12-14
Ephesians 2:1-6
Luke 23:21
Luke 23:34
The same Jesus who prayed forgiveness for the people yelling “Crucify!” intercedes in forgiveness for you
today in Christ.
My husband and I live in central Florida, and about a year ago we decided to drive to the beach. On our
way, we passed grass pastures filled with southern oak trees, the kind you see in movies and wedding
pictures. In the middle of the field, one tree was collapsed on the ground and appeared dead, yet was
covered in an abundance of lush and vibrant greenery. For years I had been struggling to forgive
someone from the past. No matter how many times I would pray for God to relieve my soul, I couldn’t
get rid of the bitterness, hurt, and anger. As we passed this tree, I distinctly remember thinking, “If you
don’t learn how to forgive, this is what your life will look like – alive on the outside, dead on the inside.”
I want to pause for a moment because you cannot miss this – Jesus wants more for your life for His glory.
He didn’t die for you to live dead. The narrative of the Gospel doesn’t stop with the forgiveness of sins.
It’s the beginning of your life! Without Jesus’ blood on the cross, there is no forgiveness. He had to die,
for you to live. And for those of us who are in Christ, there is more. There is eternal life.
And yet, if we can be real with ourselves, we often don’t fully live in His life because unforgiveness
towards others is present. We forget the fullness of the Gospel and that starts with being wretched,
sinful people in need of a Savior. We talk about dwelling in prayer, dwelling in grace, dwelling in the
goodness of God. But let me ask you, “Are you dwelling in the forgiveness of Christ’s death and resurrection?”
If you are living in unforgiveness, you’re still living like you’re dead. Read that again, friend.
My older brother once said, “I picture my name engraved on the nails driven into Jesus’ body.” What a
gut-wrenching, convicting thought, and yet one full of so much truth. As soon as we neglect the weight
of our own sin, we are making ourselves less of a sinner than someone else, aren’t we? If we are not the
most sinful person we have known, we are gravely mistaken. The reality is that my own sin is enough for
Jesus to have needed to be crucified. One of my sins alone.
The Apostle Paul writes:
The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are
in Christ Jesus. Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came
into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. (1 Tim. 1:14-15)
As someone who has wrestled with unforgiveness, I can honestly share with you that it is hard to grasp
freedom in Christ when unforgiveness is present.
The Bible also says:
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to
death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Rom. 7:24-25)
If forgiveness does not begin and end with Jesus’ blood, we are attempting to forgive from our flesh, and
it will never be righteous. It will always fail. To withhold forgiveness from others is a sin. So let me ask
you… Do you still hold prisoners captive in your mind and heart instead of taking your thoughts captive
according to the riches of His glorious grace?
When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, He triumphed over our sins. He proved with His
resurrected body that His sacrifice was sufficient, and His forgiveness for sins has the final word. He gave
us assurance that we are no longer in debt. He has accredited us His righteousness.
Colossians 2 states:
Having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your
faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. When you were dead in your
sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all
our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and
condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. (Col. 2:12-14).
Maybe the person you struggle to forgive is yourself. Can I remind you of something? Holding on to your
sin doesn’t change what Jesus did for you – it only makes you live in the deception that you have control
over life and death. Imagine if the energy you used withholding forgiveness was used to testify of Jesus’
forgiveness for sins to the ends of the earth. Jesus said “It is finished” so let it be done. In Christ, sin is forgiven.
And still, we can’t stop there. To live in and out forgiveness requires action. Imagine if Jesus spoke of
forgiveness but did not shed His blood. Forgiveness is more than words. We’re called to respond. There
is no time to be passive for the Kingdom of God. There is a harvest plentiful and laborers who need to be
sent. There is a world literally dying to have the news you hold and it’s called the Gospel. There are
people who need forgiveness in Christ, and you have the opportunity to share what Jesus has done and
continues to do for you. In a world that says “You’re done” you can say “Look what HE has done!”
Maybe you’re sitting there right now and need forgiveness for your sins because you have not believed
in your heart and confessed with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. But it’s undeniable that the Holy
Spirit is working in you right now to repent and believe. If that’s you, I encourage you to pray the
following – “Heavenly Father, I confess that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. And I believe that my sins
put my Savior, Jesus, to death on the cross that I deserved so that I could be reconciled to You again Holy
God. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, conquered death, and rose from the grave. I ask you to forgive me
of my sins and seal me in Your Holy Spirit, Who transforming me and renewing me will help me to live
and glorify You alone. In Jesus name, thank You God for sending Your only Son to take my place and to be
the Way, Truth, and Life. Amen.” Don’t keep this news to yourself! There is a family of Christians who
want to rejoice with you and celebrate God’s gift of Salvation to you! You have moved from death to life
forever and ever in Christ, and that warrants praising God!
For those of you who say you’re a Christian…
Forgiveness is not ignoring a problem and trying to shove it down until time passes. Forgiveness is not
synonymous with trust being restored. Forgiveness is not that the other person is off the hook. Sin is real and has real effects.
Forgiveness is saying, “Lord Jesus, You came to forgive sins, so help me to live out Your forgiveness and not make myself the Judge.”
Confess that you’ve been sinning in unforgiveness and ask God to change your thoughts to think about
that individual being accountable to God. Make an action plan for how you will interact with that person
moving forward. If this person is not actively in your life, ask the Holy Spirit who is our Helper, to know
how to forgive them from afar.
God wants you to live out the forgiveness that awaits you at the cross. The way we forgive others begins
with us remembering God’s forgiveness towards us. Pray for faith to obey and forgive 77 times. It is not
going to be easy, but man, can I just tell you that not forgiving is a distraction and God desires you to
know true forgiveness and life in Him. Spend time praising Jesus for the wondrous work He has done
through the power of His blood on the cross! If you need to process something after this session, talk
with a trusted Christian friend or leader.
Holy God, I admit that I don’t deserve Your forgiveness for my sins, in fact what I deserve is Hell and yet
Your body was pierced for my transgressions. I confess that I have been trapped in my own mind and
unforgiveness is the weapon against me. Please show me any unrepented sins in my life, and may I
generously pour out forgiveness to others. Help me to remember that in Christ I have One who
intercedes for me. Help me to pray like You, and to forgive those who know not what they do. Thank you,
Jesus, for the covering of your blood and may I remember to respond from Your forgiveness for sins and
not from how I think I should from my flesh. Amen.
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
- Hebrews 1:3 NIV
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