Blessings, encouragement, Faith, familylife, grateful, Hope
Gathering Spaces
Sandee Macgregor / October 2, 2022
Gathering Spaces
For years on my drive up north to our family cottage, I’ve observed porch after porch and backyard after backyard full of beautiful gathering spaces. Some are simplistic in nature and others more extravagant, yet each one is uniquely inviting. My favourite is the one with the towering willow tree with branches cascading beside a pond that beckons you to sit underneath it.
While on sunset cruises at the lake or boating to the marina, I also observe the various welcoming spaces of the lakeside cottages that I pass. Again, I have my favourites: Muskoka chairs in front of the campfires, surrounded by the various shades of green grass and canopies of trees. All of these are spaces to be with friends and family, inspiring conversation and connection. Places to reflect, play and make memories. I’ve often thought about taking my camera with me to capture these gathering spaces but I’m wary of being intrusive, so for now, they stay etched in my memory, inspiring me to reflect on my gratitude for the many unique spaces where I’ve been able to gather with loved ones over the years.
One particular place stands out more than all the rest. One of my dearest friends I’ve known since grade school lives nearby our family’s cottage. Her talented and artistic mom is just around the corner from her and has created a backyard paradise to bless and welcome others. The patio is strewn with glowing lights and comfortable chairs, surrounded by a beautiful flourishing garden that begs you to linger and savour a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Most striking is the bright red shed, decorated by her mother, that stands regally in the yard. Upon entering the home, you first see her mother’s artwork gracing the hallways and interior rooms. Everything has a special meaning and memories attached to it and bedrooms are lovingly prepared for guests to stay at a moment’s notice. The basement is almost a secret hideaway that contains an art studio created for her to plan her next masterpiece. She invites you in to have a conversation that’s guaranteed to bring a smile to your face; this is her gathering space.
Don’t we all long to be invited into places like this? Wherever it is that you call home — whether the city or the countryside, an apartment or basement suite, or simply a room in a house you share with others — your space is sacred. It’s a reflection of you and what you value, and regardless of size or location, it can be a way for you to bless others by calling them together and welcoming them. Your space is a gift that you can share with others!
One of my fondest memories is of the first place my husband and I called home, a basement suite we moved into after we were married. Just off the kitchen was a window that let in a bit of natural light. It was large for a basement window and low enough that we could climb out of it and sit outside in the fresh air on our tiny cement slab with a small patio table. It was humble, but it was ours, and sharing it with others made it even more special. In the years since, I’ve cooked many meals, set countless tables, walked up and down innumerable grocery store aisles and have not always done so with a grateful heart. As our family has grown, life and responsibilities have taken over, and sometimes hospitality can feel overwhelming. I must be mindful of not allowing myself to be overly concerned with what the house looks like or create the perfect meal so I can fully be present. It’s easy to be consumed with the preparation and process and forget the purpose of hospitality.
In these moments, I try to think back to that first little space we called home and how happy and grateful we were just to be there together. Remembering the joyful simplicity of those early days keeps me grounded. Homes don’t have to be perfect, and tables don’t have to look like they leapt out of a magazine spread. All that matters is who you’re opening up your space to, and what’s in your heart when you do. When my heart is in the right place, it’s a game changer.
Years ago, I met a couple that didn’t have children while we had five busy young ones. The wife openly shared her concerns about inviting people over because they didn’t have children. What if their space was too small? How would she prepare a meal for so many others in a tight kitchen? Her concerns were real and valid, but at the end of the day, it’s the intention behind serving others that matters the most. How many times have we missed out on blessing others because we fixate on what’s missing in our homes instead of what’s already there? The important thing is to take a leap of faith when inviting people over, even if you are unsure or feel inadequate. It’s a radical step but one worth taking.
As we approach Thanksgiving weekend, if you’re struggling with perfectionism, ask God to guide your steps toward creating an imperfect home for imperfect people. Imperfections are what make us interesting…they’re the tiny cracks in us, and our surroundings that let the light shine through that reflects Christ in us. Let God be the center of your gathering space, and everything else will flow out from there. What gifts has God given you to share with others?
We Are Messengers reminds us of our true home with this amazing song Home
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
- Hebrews 1:3 NIV
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