Book Review
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Sandee Macgregor / September 17, 2023
Summer is drawing to a close, and although I have been busy in th
e classroom these past couple of weeks, I managed to square aside a bit of time to reflect on some of the books I have read over the past few months. Reading is and always has been one of the most important parts of my journey. Books are a way through which I express, share and deepen my faith, and they have played a huge role in how I have raised my family and drawn closer to my kids.
Over the past few years I have had precious little time to read the books that have truly called out to me. Between grad school and homeschool and being a mom and a wife, it has felt impossible at times to steal even a few moments to lose myself in a book. This summer, I set an intention to make up for that time and allow myself to finally explore some of the titles that have been on my list for far too long. A few of them in particular touched me so profoundly that I was moved to share them with you as well!
- What Cannot Be Lost: How Jesus Holds Us Together When Life is Falling Apart by Melissa Zaldivar
A timely and honest deep-dive into the difficult journey of grief, loss and pain that we will all undergo at some point in our lives. Through lyrical prose and memorable storytelling, Melissa bares her soul in a way that invites her readers to do the same, reminding us all that loss and pain often await us in our next breath. It reminds us to hold onto the present moment with gratitude, and remember how precious those times of togetherness and contentment are. It reminds us that hope is not lost, even when we do face those incredibly difficult losses, because we are always loved and held by Him.
Melissa brilliantly makes Jesus the star of this book, holding onto his everlasting love. Even in the darkest night he is still good, faithful, and, as Hebrews 13:8 says, “…the same yesterday and today and forever.” Throughout her story, she passionately shares her gratitude for the community of loved ones who surrounded her through the writing of this book and uplifted her when she was drowning in a tidal wave of pain and grief. The narrative is sweeping, the ending equally triumphant and humble, and it brought me to tears as I was swept along for the ride. I can’t recommend this book enough, especially if you are currently (or have just moved through) a season of grief.
- The Foundling by Ann Leary
Inspired by a true story, this brilliant work of fiction highlights the dark history of women being wrongfully committed to asylums during times in their lives when they were struggling with difficult, inconvenient emotions and situations. Based on the life of the author’s grandmother, it sheds a light on the tragic lives of so many women in our collective past who were locked away and forgotten. Though horrifying, dismaying and at times even shocking, Ann sweeps up her readers in a deeply disturbing narrative that uncovers the truth behind a phenomenon that still haunts the daughters and granddaughters of these women. Well-researched and brilliantly crafted, Ann masterfully weaves a tapestry of colourful characters, painful lessons and untold stories that are finally surfacing into the light of day. This is a tale of solidarity and strength for any and everyone struggling with mental health, with feeling trapped, and with finding their place in the world.
- Through the Eyes of Women by Rebecca McLaughlin
Women of all cultures throughout most of history have struggled to be seen, heard and understood by the world as we so often struggle to exist as ourselves in systems that deny, oppress and deliberately misrepresent us. The world can feel like a hostile place when you are a woman, which is why so many of us find our strength and our acceptance in a Holy God who loves us so much that He gave His only son (John 3:16).
There are many examples of women in the Bible who found their place and their purpose in faith, and despite how drastically the world around us has changed, our struggles are not so different from theirs. Rebecca recounts their lives in a way that’s relevant, relatable, and makes her readers feel intimately connected to them. This was one of those reads where I was constantly highlighting passages that struck me and dog-earing pages that I wanted to read again and again because they struck a chord that resonated somewhere deep within me. There are so many quotes that I would like to share, but one in particular struck me as being important and grounding, especially if you feel unheard and unseen:
“God loves you, no matter what. His fingerprints are all over creation, and that includes you.”
I am grateful to have found this book. It is an incredible passageway into the lives and work of the women whom Jesus knew and loved, showing us that we can remember how much we are loved too! In the third chapter of the book, Rebecca talks about the woman at the well, reminding us that
“This woman is the first person in John’s Gospel to whom Jesus explicitly reveals himself as the Christ, and she is the last person with whom a respectable Rabbi should have been spending time alone.” (84).
If you feel called to this book as I was, I can guarantee you that you will return to its pages again and again to remind yourself of how incredible Jesus was and always will be. He validated these women tenderly and purposefully, and if you are craving a similar validation of your womanhood, I can’t recommend this book enough. It will remind you of your worth, no matter how trying your circumstances are!
Have you already read any of these titles? What did you think of them? And if not, did any pique your interest? I would love to hear from you, either way! Comment here or on my Instagram post and let me know your thoughts. Though reading is inherently a solitary activity, I have always valued the community aspect of sharing thoughts, ideas and insights that a book brings forward. Let’s start the conversation!
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
- Hebrews 1:3 NIV
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