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Part Two: Reflections on homeschooling
Sandee Macgregor / June 18, 2023
In my last post, I talked about some of the lies I believed when I first started homeschooling my kids. As moms, we know how easy it can be for guilt and self-doubt to make their way into our hearts, and sometimes they are deeply imprinted on us from various life events that we then carry into our mothering. We bring memories, fears, unworthiness, anxiety, hurts, unanswered prayers and questions about God and life’s journey into our homes, and that’s normal.
Through the years, as I worked to unlearn those lies, I slowly replaced them with four truths I attempt to live by.
Truth: explore your skills, gifts and talents but don’t be afraid to venture into unknown territory.
Every mom homeschooling their kids has a unique set of skills and strengths that they bring to the table. At first, it’s hard not to focus on all the things you lack. Maybe you don’t have formal teacher training. Maybe you’re bad at math, find literature boring, or were never able to sit still in history class. Maybe you’re creative but can’t plan ahead to save your life. We all have strengths and weaknesses, but eventually, you come to the realization that the areas in which you are most challenged are also your greatest opportunities for growth. Going into the homeschooling journey with a teachable mindset is so important because, believe me, you will learn as much as your kids do!
Don’t be afraid to take risks, and be prepared to explore what failure looks like. There will be times when your plans fall through, your lessons backfire, and your good intentions don’t play out the way you want. That might sound scary, and it is! Every explorer is a little afraid whenever they set out on a new adventure, and starting your homeschooling journey is no different. But if you remain open to experience, are willing to examine and adjust to the ways your kids learn best, and celebrate your successes, then you’ll be brought that much closer to discovering who God has made you to be.
Truth: connect with others.
Community groups, conventions, online forums, local community centres, churches, and neighbours will be your lifeline.
When you decide to homeschool, it becomes important to be intentional about building these connections. Seeking them out takes grit and perseverance, and at times it can be messy, hard and challenging until we find the community that’s right for us and our kids. And when we do finally find our people, there’s never a dull moment! Through the unique tapestry of skills, personalities and insights that others weave into our lives, we learn more about the world and so do our kids. Being part of a community teaches us grace, for ourselves and for others, and it gives our children the opportunity to experience a sense of belonging and to understand the unique parts they have to play in the lives of others. It’s as much of a lesson as math or English!
Truth: create your own path (God as your guide)
One of the best things about this journey is its unique opportunity to forge a path unique to you and your family. Create a place for interactive, hands-on learning experiences, or ask for guidance from others who are gifted in ways that you are not. This could even mean that you create your own homeschool co-op with a team of others or invite another family to homeschool alongside you. Through the years of listening to my kids and to what I was being prompted to do by the nudging of the Holy Spirit, I added on or took away as needed, constantly adjusting to accommodate my family’s changing needs. Though it wasn’t easy, and I sometimes had to make tough decisions, it ended up being a beautiful experience that I co-created with my kids and with God. “Create” is a verb, and it requires action. Ultimately, homeschooling is an opportunity to forge your own path and customize your children’s education with the best and most loving of hearts. Ultimately, our times and family are in the hands of God. He knows what is best for us.
Truth: envision what you want the experience to look like.
Without a vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Sitting down and coming up with a plan before you embark on this journey will help you to get clear on what you want your kids to get out of it and what you want your family to experience. Of course, we all know that quote about the best-laid plans, and often it’s the case that God has other ideas. But creating a plan anyway will help to shift some of those anxious thoughts and keep you focused on why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place. Take it day by day, but keep a bird’s eye view on the whole situation, thinking down the line to when your kids are grown up. What kind of adults do you want them to be? What can you do right now, each day, to equip them for the future? I’m at that point now where my kids are grown, but when they were young, I tried to keep the long-term in focus and, at the same time, take baby steps daily toward the hope I had in my heart for our family. As moms, God has entrusted us to raise young men and women ready for the world, and our job is to provide them with the stepping stones to get there. Those stones could look like a math curriculum, a creative activity, friendship, church, morning devotions, prayer or just a quiet afternoon of family time. It can be hard to see the big picture when our world is full of the daily challenges of raising a family, but ultimately we pray that they will fall in love with a loving heavenly Father that has a plan better than they could have even imagined! (Ephesians 3:20)
Lastly, whatever your homeschooling journey looks like and wherever it takes you, always remember to move as one family unit and, at the same time, create space for individuality in your children.
Her Prayer is a special prayer I wrote and shared with my niece Mallory Balmer. I asked her to help me to create a song, and did she ever! She took my lyrics, and what unfolded is this prayer that I (we) hope will be a blessing to you in whatever stage you are currently in. This song can become your prayer today.
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
- Hebrews 1:3 NIV
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