Faith, Family, familylife, Highlights, Hope, Marriage, momlife, motherhood, Parenting, prayer
Seasons of Motherhood guest post with Milly Cowle Part One: FAITH TO LET GO
Sandee Macgregor / June 10, 2021
I remember the first time we heard rumours that Milly and John were dating. We were so excited! Many people try to be matchmaker, I did not do that for them at all, I was just happy they connected, seemed a perfect fit! We knew them both before they were a couple (Duncan used to have some younger guys from church over for a good steak and John was one of them!) and let me say what a blessing they both are! I remember listening to them pray during Wednesday night prayer meetings for our kids, and that moved me greatly. They are an amazing couple and wish they lived closer! We actually stayed in a B&B in their current town for our first year anniversary! We may just have to go back there again! It was years ago they were at our place for dinner and one of our girls shared a funny (somewhat foggy) memory of Milly changing a diaper and she quickly decided that job was best done by a mom (she was only 7 at the time!). Even though we do not see one another, catching up on social media seems to be a great way to stay connected. I know she is passionate about her family and making her home a place full of grace saturated in the gospel while creatively keeping her three boys busy and active! After we spoke about writing a post, she expertly created two. So you are in for a real treat over the next few days! Milly has so much to share and after reading, I am confident you will will be blessed, no matter what stage of motherhood you find yourself. So, It is a joy to welcome Milly to Sovereign Radiance today! Milly, we will definitely meet you for some Kawartha Dairy ice cream soon!
Milly is a Christian, wife to John, mom to 3 young boys and a veterinary technician turned reluctant homeschooler. She has embraced the role of full time mom and homemaker for the last 7 years. They live in the beautiful town of Fergus, ON. Her days are spent dodging nerf bullets, searching for 30 minute meals and trying to impart some level of academic wisdom to her boys. You can often find her at the beach or in the van on route to the closest Kawartha dairy for ice cream. She shares daily wins and cute brother moments on Instagram and sometimes Facebook.
Faith to let go
I’ve been thinking a lot about letting go.
Let me take you back about 10 years. I was single with no children and no desire for either of those to change. I loved my job, I was at the peak of my career and I was well liked and appreciated. Aside from seeking further training for specialization, I had reached the top. As Elastigirl says, “I was at the top of my game!” Along with the worldly success, I had also managed to wrap up most of my identity into my success at my job.
Fast forward more than a decade later to present day and the praise and paycheck aren’t exactly coming like they did before. It’s actually the opposite. It’s dinnertime battles and messes. It’s repeated instructions often falling on deaf ears and it’s the daily schoolwork battles as I play the role of mom and teacher to 3 boys ages 3 to 6. I do it all for the grand paycheck of $0.00. Although I love teaching, and there is much joy found in little moments. This stage brings endless frustrations and feelings of failure on all levels. I’ve been tempted to wrap up most of my identity in the failure to succeed at this job.
Believe it or not, these very different stages of my life are an expression of the exact same heart issue, the desire to control and the faith required to let go. Motherhood is truly a labour of love and the temptation to control is strong. It can often feel like we have given up all of our time, our hobbies, our desires, our independence and our bodies. I often think if I can just maintain control in one area, I’ll be able to cope with all the rest. It’s a false assurance that I’m still on top. When we begin to build our own little kingdoms, the failures and successes are a direct reflection on us and our abilities. The pressure to maintain control is unbearable and the failures knock us to the ground.
In stark contrast, John 14:13 reminds us that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name, we will be given. Is there anything better than asking our gracious God to grant us the faith required to let go? When we ask for faith to trust God and fully let go, we can rejoice knowing that the Holy Spirit is already at work, giving us a desire to step down from our self-made towers.
When we let go of our own agendas, plans and selfish desires, we gain freedom to enjoy the things that God has given us. We begin to see our homes, marriages and children as gifts to steward rather than possessions to control.
In this season of motherhood, letting go allows us to see the messes, disobedience, frustrations and failures as opportunities to cling to Jesus. Instead of angry outbursts stemming from an out of control dinnertime disaster, our eyes can be open to see the bigger picture and to speak words of life-giving wisdom to our children. Instead of power battles, we can lovingly show our children what service, sacrifice and humility look like and point them to Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice at Calvary. Instead of wallowing in self-pity around all that we’ve lost, we can joyfully show our children the treasures found only in Christ that can never be taken or destroyed. When we learn to let go of control in the early years, it prepares our hearts for other kinds of letting go. The first solo bike ride, the first night out with friends, the first time in the driver’s seat and the first year in a dorm room at college.
I’m fiercely attached to my job as mom. There is nothing another job could offer that beats tucking my boys in at night, sharing in a cool science experiment or talking about the gospel with them. These moments are precious. But I’ll be the first to admit that motherhood is hard work. Giving up control is a daily battle for me and much of my prayer life is spent asking for forgiveness for harsh words and a healthy dose of patience and grace.
Letting go of control is a lifelong pursuit requiring the spiritual exercise of putting sin to death. As we faithfully meditate on God’s word, make a habit of prayer and seek to daily show Christ to those whom we serve, we will see Christ exalted through our service and we will gain contentment that can only be found in Him. John 10:29 gives us assurance that as we, through faith, trust in the goodness and love of God, He tightens His grip on us so that no one is able to snatch us out of His hand. We can rest secure in Christ.
My hope and prayer is that as you and I serve our families, whether it is nighttime newborn feedings, teenage drama and broken hearts or the physically demanding work of parenting young children, we will joyfully seek the will of God as He directs us and gives us the faith to give up our kingdoms for His.
My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand (John 10:29).
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
- Hebrews 1:3 NIV
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