Family, Hope, momlife, motherhood, Parenting, prayer
Seasons of Motherhood: New Series!
Sandee Macgregor / April 5, 2021
I am so excited to share with you a new series this April and May called:
Seasons of Motherhood.
Mother’s Day is approaching and each week I am going to highlight a mom as a guest on the blog. Each guest will share her heart about a particular season in motherhood and encourage you on your journey! I have the honour of knowing these women and so blessed how they have allowed God to mold them into the mom they are today.
Today I will begin with a season in of Motherhood in the form of a letter I wrote to my children back in 2020. Join me in my season of motherhood!
Family Love Letter (from 2020)
To my dear family,
Soon we will all be doing different things and our family unit will be once again dispersed. A wave hit me recently and I believe that this has break-through potential for our family’s health, functionality and success. Determining our strengths and weaknesses I believe, will guide us lovingly toward a more unified peace-giving family. My prayer is that we can all choose to rely on God be teachable, full of grace, love and forgiveness.
All of these in the framework of truly understanding one another can be well fit into the following Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I read this book many, many years ago and have always appreciated why he wrote it and the benefit for his reader.
According to Chapman, the five ways to express and experience love called “love languages” are:
words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, physical touch.
I do not hold fast to just these five ways to express or experience love, but for me it was always a great place to start. I remember making an effort to add all of these to your days when you were younger. Perhaps, as you have grown I have unintentionally neglected some of the ways and need to bring them back. I think as a family, checking in with one another will be the BEST WAY to really understand one another and be a strong, more tight-knit unit than ever before. Our home is a place to learn how to communicate, argue, be irritated, forgive, love, laugh, cry, find joy, peace, express opinions, live, make mistakes, serve, grow, change and the list goes on. A safe place to be a place of peace when the storms surround. That is was I have sought to do with all my heart.
Understanding these five love languages is an early offering to your future friends, spouses and families as well as to your current landscape. When you are more self-aware you are that much more capable to love others fully as you become acutely observant of what others may need. This is a gift you give to yourself and others.
With these five love languages encouraged in our family, I believe we can thrive. Here is my challenge:
Take these ways and examine what you connect with and then as a family, we will share together.
Remember, we all want:
To be heard
To be seen
To be loved
To be held
To be known
Understanding these principles is a difference maker for us all because we all want and need these things stated above.
Make it personal and add your name before the phrase. For example, ‘Sandee wants to be heard. Sandee wants to be seen and so on.’ Claim those phrases and know that this is what my hope is for us all.
We have 7 different people and 7 different personalities that all NEED SIMILAR needs to be met. We know that there is conflict, but really we crave peace. We know there are tears, but really we want to be held and assured. We know there are painful moments, but really we want joy in our home. This is normal and I don’t know any home that does not have conflict and the hope of resolution issues, this take practice!
So, before we all go into a new season, I humbly ask you all to walk with the family so all of us are more seen, more heard and more loved.
After dinner, poolside bring with you this letter and look over the five love languages and see which ones mean the most to you. You can be all of them or a combination. There is no wrong answer. My hope is that we will listen well, love well and be confident that we are a team, unified by love for one another. Going forward you will have just that little bit more insight into your family that will spill over into so many areas of your lives. Do this with the determination to serve your family as well as learning more about yourself. It won’t take long, but will have lasting impact. I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but I do know that I can act today and make a difference. I am looking forward to time with you all. Most important to know is how loved you are by us (your parents) and God, the one who made you in His image!
Love, M♥M
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Yes! Lead the way my dear, for those who come behind you-family, or are beside you-friends . You are loved& prayed for and they will follow your example as mom/friend
Thank you for helping me through my seasons!