Highlights, momlife, motherhood, Parenting, prayer
Seasons of Motherhood: Special Guest Post with Moira Brown
Sandee Macgregor / April 22, 2021
Mentoring is a beautiful gift unwrapped every moment shared together. Moira is a treasured friend, prayer warrior and mentor. We first met when she dropped her 2nd born at the doorway of my JK/SK classroom. I had the privilege of teaching her son and meeting Moira at the classroom door waving hello or at a parent/teacher interview. I would see her at speaking engagements and made sure to say hello and watched her on 100 Huntley Street or Full Circle. We began connecting years ago. We would meet me at a Swiss Chalet (often with my youngest baby in tow) bless her heart right after a taping and we would share a coffee or lunch and she would graciously listen and offer me store houses of wisdom from the Bible and challenge me to commit my fears, anxieties and hopes to the Lord. If you have ever been blessed to enjoy a tea time in her home, you will understand my thoughts here, it is a true gift! Moira ushers you into a decorated table, name cards, sweets and treats and verses to encourage. Prayer is the main aspect to the menu and I walk away every time full of joy and a word from the Lord. She willingly read through the early beginnings of my devotional and challenged, encouraged and poured over my words and in her wisdom, guided the process. She is a wonderful friend and mentor and it is with joy I welcome her to Sovereign Radiance. You will be encouraged through her shared seasons of motherhood, I know I have and continue to be! Thank you Moira!
Enjoying a women’s prayer breakfast before the pandemic and enjoying a tea at her home
Musing on Motherhood 2021
by Moira Brown
“Each was as ordinary and magical as the sunrise, as familiar and different as the breaking day.”
The wonder of childbirth is celebrated in this quote from the British TV series, Call the Midwife. Even when the producers employ the prosthetic newborn in a delivery, I tear up at the miracle. The poetic reflection in many ways describes the whole journey of motherhood and the uniqueness of each treasure entrusted to our loving care. How ever, the mystique and unflinching gratitude has been sorely tested in my parenting ad venture.
God’s “reward” came rather late and unexpectedly in my life, because Heaven’s greatest earthly gift didn’t appear until I was 35 years of age. My handsome prince asked me to marry him on my birthday in 1989 after a six-week courtship, and we were married 7 weeks later on May 6th! In a few weeks we celebrate 32 years of wedded bliss! Truly! We both come from large families; I’m the eldest of six and Richard was the first son, second of seven children, so we were no strangers to family life and duties.
After miscarrying our first pregnancy, we were delighted to welcome Katherine, alert and healthy, when I was 37. Richard became a father at 40! Eighteen and a half months later, Davy made ours a “millionaire’s family”. The advantage of entering marriage and parenting so late in life, is having plenty of experience, leading to a deep appreciation of the blessing and trust we had been given in both. On the downside, energy and career demands at this point proved challenging. Ultimately, the Lord clearly directed me to leave my broadcast career and embrace homemaking full time. I would discover how literal that word is! We had something of a landing strip after I returned to work, following a very short maternity leave in those days, bringing my daughter with me to 100 Huntley Street in downtown Toronto each day. Then in the early 90s I packed up two little ones who were cared for at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington. Homelife was hectic. One day our sweet daughter’s plea revealed my misplaced priori ties and her sense of value; “Mommy, do you want to come outside and watch us. You can bring your papers with you!”
After years of adult performance and achievement, adjusting to all day childcare was a stretch. Following God’s leading had always led to using my gifts to reach others for Him, in this case thousands daily. Pouring into two little people felt anything but natural or meaningful. Each weekday morning, Richard would enjoy every second with the two of them until the moment I dreaded, when he stood with his back against the front door, and announced “bye, bye”. Everything in me screamed “NO!!!! DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE!”
In the earliest days, I failed to delight in my children. I needed to LIGHTEN UP and let them see joy reflected in my eyes and words. I was pretty stressed. My dining room table was full of viewer mail to be answered, scrapbook projects etc., that I expected to tackle while my baby slept for hours each afternoon! Katherine barely catnapped! I couldn’t unload the dishwasher in one sweep— or skip to the loo!
Richard called one day from work—“The women want to know how you’re enjoying be ing home with the children”. “It’s pretty much maintenance!” I complained. Sounding hurt, my dear husband counselled, “It’s not maintenance, it’s development!” A handcrafted hotplate depicting a woman watering plants in her kitchen surfaced right on time. It was lovingly sent from a dear TV viewer with words that were indeed sear ing to my wrestling heart, and awakened the need to rediscover my Saviour!— I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. Psalm 101:2
“Home alone” as a new mother was a lonely season too. Thank God for a neighbour who kindly took me to the Y, and several preschool options for moms and their children. Cabin Fever, Discovery Station, Monkey’s Jungle—all be came life savers. And on Tuesday mornings, the sound of that second baby car seat buckle clicking into place meant I was going to get to our church women’s coffee morning, where my children would be well attended while I enjoyed adult conversation and inspirational refreshment! Yahoo!
It’s important to know that parents don’t have to be crazy about every stage of what my husband calls “life’s greatest adventure”. My own mother was happiest when her children were totally dependent on her—“one on each hip and another in the stroller”! I took a deep, liberating breath when my two children could feed themselves! I’ll never forget the Father’s Day morning when Davy in the highchair chowed down on his chocolate croissant, and I had myself fully to myself! Freedom!
Perhaps my biggest concern was being unfamiliar with a Christ-centred home. My parents nearly separated when I was in kindergarten. Nine years later they went through with it, just a few months before my Dad died suddenly at 47. Although we were a church going family, home was a volatile environment in my early years. I didn’t know the songs to sing, the vibe to bring. A wise pastor’s wife asked if I had trouble loving my husband. I said not at all. She encouraged me that our love for Christ and each other would naturally create the “household of faith” that would nurture spiritual growth. In the days of VHS tapes, we had plenty of great Christian material for kids. Richard was even executive producer on two popular children’s television series and many songs became family favourites. At the same time, I was co-hosting a weekly TV program called Just For Parents, learning all I could from top Christian authors and experts on childrearing.
A great interview guest was a woman who struggled with the transition from a bright career to motherhood. In her book, NO MORE LONE RANGER MOM, Donna Partow wrote about four moms who came together regularly, each with their unique strengths, to mutually enrich the parenting adventure. For example, the “fun mom” jumped in the pool with all the kids while the “organizer mom” enjoyed reading a book poolside, until her decorating and home management skills were needed. Teamwork makes the dream work! Biblically, the secret sauce for “life to the full” is community!
A word to the wives— Children can be very demanding, and “squeaky wheel gets the grease” as the saying goes. We are not “one” with our children, but only with our husband. It was a late dawning, that despite my husband’s calm and steady competence, he really needed me. He was dealing with pressures I didn’t take time to fully appreciate, for prayer and encouragement. Beware of neglecting your partner! And self care really matters! What feeds your soul and refreshes your spirit? On my fortieth birthday, Richard whisked me away from our preschoolers for a delightful evening seeing the musical Showboat. At the conclusion, I retreated to the ladies’ room and balled my eyes out! I didn’t know what the problem was. There’s no pathos in the story. I eventually realized how much music and musicals have meant my whole life. I hadn’t been doing anything to keep me in shape spiritually, physically or emotionally! A full-orbed life must be intentional! You will be a better wife and mother when you take time for you. Balance is the toughest thing to achieve in the Christian life. I seemed to be “constantly juggling, and always on edge” as another Mom confessed. I needed a bigger intervention.
It’s hard to believe that my career went on the back burner for twelve years. It went by so quickly. There was occasional guest hosting and speaking opportunities after a full year of saying no to everything, but home videos remind me what I might have missed if I had not listened to the One who called me out of the wind tunnel because “He gently leads those that have young”. (Isaiah 40:11)
God moves in mysterious ways… and He rewards obedience! You may be thinking you can’t afford not to be working. The first day I was not at work, I was not at home with my children either. The Disney people had moved us to a lovely townhouse backing onto Lake Ontario, just down the street, because Tim Allen had moved into our Oakville townhouse to film The Santa Clause! In April 1994, Santa fell off our roof and died! The Lord helped make up my lost salary in a most unusual way! Where God guides, He provides!
C.S. Lewis called the teen years “the Dark Ages of human development”. Without a doubt the struggle for independence and identity is a difficult one for children. I was convinced my son didn’t even like me for a long stretch. One day I invited my sweet daughter to step in front of the bathroom mirror to see the expression on her face as she addressed me. I asked if she would look at her best friend like that, or speak in that tone of voice. Katherine burst into tears.
That seems a long while ago now. Katherine will be thirty this summer and Davy is 28. They both enjoy challenging careers in different cities in Ontario. They are trusting the Lord is preparing just the right spouse! We have had some fabulous family vacations together and are so grateful that these young adults want to spend time with us. It is the greatest joy of my life to hear that my children are consistently living their lives in the ways of truth! 3 John 1:4 The Passion Translation
We have not always had this assurance, which today is our richest blessing. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Following Him, our treasures won’t miss any of “His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)
A final encouragement in this very brief overview of my journey—James Baldwin was right when he said,
“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.”
Modelling is our most important and impactful life message. This Parent’s Prayer could have been written for me. Whatever season you are in Mom, I hope it refreshes you in your most holy calling.
Guide me, Lord, through storms and stresses,
Tiny trials and major messes;
Teach me not to fret and stew –
Lighten up my point of view.
Help me cope with each new stage,
Each new phase, and size and age.
Hear me, Lord, and if you would…
Please make me good at parenthood!
— Author Unknown
Moira Brown is a Canadian television personality with 50 years broadcast experience, including The Moira Hunt Show on CKVR TV Barrie, and 100 Huntley Street, Canada’s longest running daily TV talk show. A graduate of Capernwray Bible School, England and Briercrest Bible College, Saskatchewan, in 2013 she was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. In 2014, Moira was named one of Canada’s top one hundred Christian women leaders. Hugs from Heaven is her book, and podcast at faithstrongtoday.com. The award-winning 2019 book, Faith, Life and Leadership—8 Canadian Women Tell Their Stories, includes Moira’s. Moira and her husband Richard have been married 32 years and have two adult children.
Below are some wonderful links to get to know Moira better! Sit back, grab a coffee or tea and listen in to some interviews, podcast and article about some of her journey. You will be thankful you did!
Her latest published material is here and available through Castle Quay Books
Faith, Life and Leadership – Moira Brown Interview with Cheryl Weber 100 Huntley Street October 2019
Hugs from Heaven on Apple Podcasts
About Moira Brown – Article from 100 Huntley Street
Hugs From Heaven – Moira’s First Book (Interview with 100 Huntley Street)
Full Circle Sofa Sisters Farewell Interview – 100 Huntley Street
Justin Bieber’s First Television Appearance on Full Circle
Last link is a lovely moment where Moira and her husband share a few Christmas traditions. It seems appropriate to add this because we woke up to a blanket of Spring snow in April! Ontario weather never ceases to amaze!
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Enjoyed every moment of Moira’s story. Stirred up memories of our efforts at parenting and all that of our childrearing days. God intervened for her and He did for us . Oh the faithfulness and love of God inspite. What a bonus for all moms to read and a wealth of material to continue being inspired with on your site. Thank you Moira. thank you Sandee
You both have so much wisdom to share! Thankful to have her on the blog today! When are you posting!!???
I related to and appreciate Moira’s story. I met her at Briercrest when I was a student there in the late 80’s. I had my first boy at 32 and my last and 4th at 42. God bless you Sandee!
I love how God connects us! Moira’s story is a beautiful example how God has a plan beyond ours! I am so grateful you can appreciate her story! Bless you on your journey Loriann.
Blessings xo