Blessings, encouragement, Faith, grace, grateful, Hope, motherhood, mothers and daughters, Parenting, powerofprayer, seasonsofmotherhood, wisdom
Seasons of Motherhood with Joy Brown
Sandee Macgregor / October 28, 2021
It can only be a creative God that connects people. Once again, I have the privilege of sharing a Seasons of Motherhood post with a new friend! We both said yes to being involved with the book launch team for Lina Abujamra’s latest book, Fractured Faith. Through her posts about the new book and linking to her social media, I just kept going back to read what she was sharing and appreciated her genuine love for Christ and encouragement. I reached out to let her know how encouraged I have been, and since then, we have enjoyed chatting back and forth. Joy shares in her post the beautiful legacy her mother left her. It would have been her mom’s birthday today, so it is fitting to honour her through this post from her daughter! Joy is a gifted writer and will bless you as she shares her mom’s significant impact on her life. I look forward to meeting Joy in person and sharing our everyday experiences over coffee. Introducing Joy Brown to you is a ‘JOY,’ and I am excited to welcome her to the blog today.
Joy Brown has always known the miraculous care of God. An identical twin, born at 25 weeks and
weighing just over one pound, the Lord has continued to breathe life into Joy and she recognizes that
each day is a gift. While reading a Christian storybook at a young age, the way of salvation was
explained and Joy knelt beside her bed, confessing her sin and responding to Jesus. The Lord and His
Word are her passion and she enjoys sharing Him with women over tea in her home, while facilitating
Bible studies or through speaking at events. She has served at her home church in many areas, saying
“yes” to God’s call to help with nursery, VBS, Library, Coordinator of Women’s Bible Studies, planning
“Winter Interlude”, an annual ladies’ event, Prayer Coordinator, Mentoring Program, facilitating Bible
studies and Women’s Mission Circle Coordinator, as well as serving on the Global Missions Board. In the
past Joy has served on the planning committee of Women of Grace as well as writing for Living Truth, a
ministry based in Toronto, Ontario. A graduate of “She Speaks/She Writes”, a teaching opportunity
through Proverbs 31 Ministries in North Carolina, Joy finds great delight in allowing the Lord to use the
gifts He has placed in her to minister to others. Her writing has awarded her recognition through “God
Uses Ink” writing initiatives. In January of 2019, Joy completed a Seminary Certificate from Heritage,
Cambridge, for Women in Ministry and Leadership. Joy also volunteers with Compassion Canada,
working alongside this ministry to help release children from poverty. The Lord drew Joy close to His
heart through her diagnosis and battle with stage-3 ovarian cancer just over 10 years ago, and again
through her recent journey with breast cancer in January of this year. Both paths were marked with
God-stories as she trusted Him through very uncertain times. Though naturally timid in nature, God is
her strength in weakness and she longs to give her everything for His anything. She is happily married to
her husband Gord for over 33 years, and together they have one married son, Christopher who is
married to his high school sweetheart Stephanie and in February Joy joined her most favourite club of
all…the Grandparent club, as they welcomed precious Matthew Nathanael into their lives.
A Legacy of Motherhood
I cannot reflect on motherhood without my mind immediately going to thoughts of my mom. This month my mom would have been celebrating 96 years if the Lord had not called her home. My mom was my first example of a mom, shaping my mothering. Growing up, my home was a place where I always felt secure and loved. Mom used every opportunity to set a godly example to let me see the reality of Christ. Even when my twin sister and I would argue, Mom would burst into a chorus of “To be like Jesus”, making it almost impossible for our disagreement to continue while being sweetly serenaded with God’s truth.
No doubt these teachable moments were a direct result of mom’s daily, consistent, personal time with her Lord in prayer and Bible study. As long as I can remember, Mom rose each morning by 4:00am to spend time with the Lord, studying His Word and lifting her family and loved ones to Him in prayer. As a child, my days began and ended with prayer. Mom would kneel beside my bed each morning committing my day to the Lord. Then joining hearts and hands around our dinner table at the close of the day, time would be given to read His Word during “Family Worship”. I can recall praying for everything and everyone, often stopping in mid-prayer to ask a question or give a hug, but Mom never seemed to mind. I learned early that I could talk to God anytime, anywhere, and He became my best friend and Saviour while watching mom model such an intimate relationship with Him.
It was also not uncommon to wake in the middle of the night to find mom kneeling beside my bed. I know her prayers saved me from many hurtful experiences, and also saw the realization of many fulfilled dreams in my life.
During my school days I never left the house without joining hands with mom in the front hall for a quick word of prayer, asking the Lord to be with me. This prayer circle often included a number of school pals who had come to join my sister and I on the walk to school, a witness to them of God’s love – and mom’s! A little dab of perfume on my wrist generally accompanied this prayer time, and was mom’s special way of reminding me of her continued prayers throughout the day. One time, just before writing an exam, a girlfriend inquired about the fragrance I was wearing. I simply answered, “Oh, it’s my mother’s prayers!” To which she replied, “They sure smell nice!” What a practical way for mom to teach the truth of Psalm 141:2, that our prayers rise as a sweet fragrance to the Lord.
Mom was faithful, not only in her quiet times, but in all areas of her life. She was a faithful mother, wife, grandma, great-grandma, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter and friend. Her daily letter writing was just another example of her commitment to those she loved. It was the ‘norm’ for dad to drive to the post office every morning, mailing numerous letters, notes, and little words of encouragement to those the Lord happened to place on mom’s heart.
As a godly woman, mom’s quiet countenance, gracious nature, open hospitality, discerning spirit and tender heart always made our home a haven, not just for her family, but for all who entered. A knock at the door, and in no time, the kettle was boiling, as she shared a hot cup of tea, a smile or a tear. She provided a listening ear, encouraging word and prayerful support, ministering God’s love.
Perhaps one of mom’s favourite past-times, besides a trip to Tim Horton’s for coffee with a friend, would be her love of reading! A good book, a hot drink, and a cozy place was mom’s personal refuge – when she found the time. She enjoyed quiet evenings, needlepoint, fresh white handkerchiefs, “Lawrence Welk” reruns and peanut-buttered toast. She was happiest when her family was happy.
She was the Founder of “There-there’s”! Unexpected gifts, large or small, given for no other reason than to simply say, “I love you.” We never required a special occasion in our home to wait for a parcel. Often little surprises greeted us on our dinner plates, under our pillows, in lunch bags, tucked away in suitcases and once we all moved out of the family home and married, they appeared on doorsteps. Mom was a generous giver.
Mom invested in the life of her children, making sacrifices for us, and she did it with passion. I cannot thank her enough for making the life-long investment in training and shaping me. She provided the colour and shading that brought depth and dimension to my life. In my growing up years, sadly, I must confess, I found time for everything and everyone but Mom, and yet, would any of the others have done for me what she did? I don’t know how many times I could have made her happy by simply saying, “I love you, mom.”
Mom was an eternal optimist, refusing to see any negative and believing always in the good of everyone. Extremely sensitive, mom’s fragile heart was held in the strong hands of her Heavenly Father. She went to great lengths to please others, longing for everything to always appear right and well. Her home was immaculate. Her clothing pressed. Her dinner always prepared. Her floors cleaned. Her windows washed. Her “pearls” in place. Her perfume on.
After becoming a mother myself, I appreciated and loved my mother in a deeper way. Being a mother. What a calling. What a responsibility. What an honour! I esteem my mom for the perseverance she continually displayed in daily taking the time and effort necessary to ensure that she leave a healthy and godly heritage, a heritage that I now strive to pass on to my family.
Linda Weber, in her book, “Mom You’re Incredible!” writes, “Motherhood is not an entry-level service position for mindless, insecure and second-class citizens. It is the noblest of callings. To be entrusted with the very life, health and well-being of a tiny human person is a great gift and honour. To realize this small child reflects traits and characteristics of you, your spouse, and your families is a mind-shattering and heart-rending realization. To invest your time and best efforts into a child and to watch him grow, develop, and excel is to be part of the creative majesty of life itself. Never let anyone denounce motherhood or dissuade you from experiencing it. It transcends all other experiences.”
As Theodore Roosevelt said, “No other success in life – not being President, or being wealthy, or going to college, or writing a book, or anything else – comes up to the success of a man or woman who can feel that they have done their duty and their children and grandchildren rise up and call them blessed.”
Towards the ends of mom’s life she rose above so many challenges. Her courage climbed mountains as she remained a “prisoner of hope”, walking faithfully by my dad’s side as he endured months of unexpected health concerns. Mom held on with grace and determination. She met the uncertainties head on and didn’t waver in her witness. Mom faced tremendous trials with strength and confidence. She never stopped trusting, but held on to the blessed assurance that God was in control.
The day the Lord took her hand and called her home she was enduring tremendous pain. She kept asking my sisters and I, “Am I smiling?” Not fully comprehending her question she explained, “I want to be smiling when I meet Jesus”. Yes mom…you were smiling…and I’m sure Christ was too when He welcomed you into glory.
As I mother, and now grandmother, I pray I will continue this legacy to passionately and prayerfully follow the Lord, leaving a legacy that loves living and lives loving. May my mothering moments be making Jesus smile.
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
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