Word of the Year
Sandee Macgregor / January 8, 2024
Recently, I asked my husband and each of my kids to pick a word for this year. Words are powerful and can define us in negative and positive ways, so I wanted us all to choose a word that we can pursue and live out purposefully and intentionally as this brand-new year unfolds.
When we each picked a word, one of my kids chose sociality:
noun: social nature or tendencies as shown in the assembling of individuals in communities.
The action on the part of individuals of associating together in communities.
Meeting and spending time in community.
It stood out because that was what we were doing on vacation, spending time in our little community of family, reconnecting and making cherished memories. This time with my kids is so precious, as I know that they’re getting older and life is getting busier, and we may not always be able to get away together as a family like this. It’s a good word to describe these moments.
The other words that my family chose were:
Enough (Jesus is enough)
Tend (my soul)
We’ve all had the experience of having things said to us that left a dark hole in our hearts, and could have led us down terrible roads if we had chosen to dwell on them. In those moments, what would it have meant to you to have someone whisper a word of hope instead into your heart?
For me, through various situations in my life it would have meant the world, instead I heard something negative. Did it hurt me and temporarily define me? Yes, it did! For the moment and yes even weeks, months and years. But thankfully, long-term it did not determine my worth. Maybe that’s part of the reason words mean so much to me.
The imprint of words meant to tear me down may leave a mark, but by God’s grace they did not press into my paths so much that I floundered and lost sight of what really defined me.
In these moments, I try to remember that I am a daughter of the King. I am a child of God. I am so grateful to my parents that cultivated a warm, safe loving home, imperfect of course, but rooted in Christ. And it has kept me grounded all my life.
One of the books I am currently reading is Where the Light Fell by Philip Yancey. It’s a stark reminder of just how much we as parents influence our children for good or bad, with love or hate, passion or purposelessness, intentionality or corruption and the power of words spoken or not. Yancey grew up with many obstacles both painful, negative and depressing yet through it all he found himself collecting the memories of his life, both distant and present, and giving them to God. I will review his book shortly, but right now I am still soaking up his redemptive story; a collection of many words that have changed the lives of countless readers and more to come!
Words are powerful. We can choose the words we say to ourselves, just like we choose the words we say to others. When we choose a word of for the day, or for the month, or for the year, it doesn’t mean we have to think of it daily! But there’s power and comfort in picking one and owning it.
I need life-giving words so I intend to follow the Bible reading plan from Living With Power Ministries and I am confident I will learn more about the character of God. It is always worth the time we take to read the Word of God because we are becoming more like Jesus. This is part of how I will tend to my soul – my word is tend, actually more of a phrase really, tend my soul. It comes from a song by Chris Renzema called Springtime. One line from his lyrics resonated with me, “Come tend the soil of my soul, And like a garden I will grow” This is my desire, to grow in Christ.
We have no idea what tomorrow will bring. God does, and we hold fast to that. So for now, today, in this moment, what word is lingering in your heart?
Perhaps it’s one of these:
Or perhaps it’s a verse, passage, book of the Bible or a man or woman from the Word that draws us to their humaneness and dependence on God.
There are so many words to choose from, so many ways to start off 2024 as a year of growth, no matter what lies in the past. Trusting God is the only way.
These are my words for the year:
Fast as I focus on all the things that are unfolding this year.
Health of heart, mind, soul, and a 51-year-old body!
Tend to my soul daily
Prayer without ceasing, making my life a state of consistent prayer.
It seems like a lot, especially when I write it out like this, but I believe it’s possible because I am making a plan, and telling others to keep me accountable. My kids each chose their words at the start of our vacation, and we shared them as a family as we swam in the ocean at our destination. It was a defining moment for us. We all heard each others’ words out loud and can now remind one another of our plan by asking questions and keeping each other on track. I’m thankful for this! It was a moment of growth for our family.
2024, we are all in!
If you had to choose a word for this year, what would it be?
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"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
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Hi Sandee just reading this now. Great song , new to me, like how the words are right out there to follow. Spring offers us so much. I love other seasons but I feel so enriched with Spring. Loved your take on words. It makes one really think. So glad what you’ve done with it personally and expanded to your family and now to whoever reads. Now me too. The word that has settled with me is’watchful’. Not sure when I decided on it but having just read the Disappearance by Jeremiah has really heightened my thoughts on the word and I know there are many levels to the word whether spiritual or natural… lots of reflecting to do on it . Thank you for your inspiration and look forward to interacting together and with others. Love Mom
I love your wisdom! The word watchful is so good! x0