Psalm 119
This new title A Mother-Daughter Devotional and Shared Journal Experience for Psalm 119 encourages and enables the building of a deeper spiritual bond between a mother and her daughter(s) through reading a short Psalm 119 devotion segment together, followed by conversation and finally one or more written journal entries by each person to the other.
Each Psalm 119 devotional, has a short reflection which invites mothers and daughters to read this longest prayer of the Bible entry, and then leads them into discussion about all the highs and lows of their life related to the reading, helping each to engage with each other and God.
After reading each short devotional and discussion, mother and daughter(s) are then directed to an interactive journal section in the second half of the book where each can write a memorable entry about each other based on the Psalm verses just read, passing these entries back and forth with words of encouragement building on each additional journal entry. Mother and daughter(s) are then encouraged to think through their words to one-another reflecting on them thoughtfully and creatively.
These exchanges create a unique way in which they each can capture the thoughts and feelings from deep in their own hearts for one another and binding them even closer together. Sandee’s hope and prayer is that this journal exercise will provide mothers and daughters with a treasure of memorable words to reflect on for many years to come.
Go ahead, write a word; inspire her heart!
A devotional that unfolds like a treasure-seeking journey—beautifully written and overflowing with love for God and a deep reverence for his word. A guide for all mothers who long to walk with their daughters along this path, straight to the feet of Jesus. New treasures as well as old are found, polished, and displayed in all their radiance.
- Lori McAuley
(Health care coordinator Muskoka Woods)
Being parents of four children, including two preteen girls, we are delighted and thankful for this excellent devotional by Sandee Macgregor. This is a resource packed with truth and yet easy to access through practical prompts and application in the study of God’s word. In a day when our young people are so often confused and misled, this book powerfully instills life-changing wisdom and clarity from Psalm 119.
There is a serious battle raging for the hearts and minds of young girls right now and that is why we are excited to use this within our own family and to wholeheartedly recommend it to others.
- Robbie and Gillian Symons
(Senior pastor and wife, Hope Bible Church)
Sandee Macgregor has written a devotional that helps strengthen you and your daughter’s relationship with God and each another. Based on Psalm 119, thoughtful sections help ignite discussion and encourage prayer and memorization, while fostering a deep sense of connection with one another. A journal section is also included for much needed mutual encouragement, along with suggested activities to enjoy together. Sandee’s devotional is an inspiring resource, one that will bolster and enliven not only your daughter’s faith but also your own.
- Melanie Stevenson
(Author of One More Tomorrow and Soul Focus)
Psalm 119 is my favourite psalm; it is rich in the attributes of God and what it means to be walking with the Almighty at your side. Psalm 119 is full of practical living for an abundant life.
It takes true focus and tools like this fantastic study by Sandee Macgregor to grow our daughters into the richness of a relationship with God. Spiritual parenting takes deliberate work, relationship, and solid biblical teaching, and I highly recommend this devotional tool for that important journey of raising your daughter to know her Saviour.
What a precious gift this book will be to your mother-daughter relationship, and in your relationship with God.
- Lorna Dueck
(Retired CEO of Crossroads Christian Communications)
Mother-daughter relationships, I know from experience, are not always natural treasures. My mother and I wrestled spiritually and relationally most of her life. So I was intrigued many years ago when Sandee’s mother, Gloria, after her own mom’s passing, said, “She left us a wonderful legacy.” Through Gloria’s leadership of our church women’s group, a godly heritage was richly evident, and Sandee was a delight as our son’s senior kindergarten teacher. No wonder my friend Sandee’s passion for years has been encouraging moms and their daughters to build a bond of trust as they grow in God’s word together. An antidote to typical distancing through the teen years, this shared journey will help mother and daughter build a solid foundation for life in an increasingly individualistic and uncertain world!
- Moira Brown
(Broadcaster, author, former co-host of 100 Huntley Street)
Girls desire to know that they are beautiful and special. In a generation where outward beauty is adored and applauded on social media, we must be careful to help our daughters build their self-worth on God’s truths. I wish I’d had this book during my daughter’s formative years whilst she was discovering her fragile identity.
Through her finely crafted words, Sandee Macgregor takes mothers and daughters by the hand and awakens the truths in Psalm 119. Through building foundational biblical truths, she helps the reader craft beautiful and lasting heart-connection mother-daughter relationships. This book needs to be lovingly pressed into the hand of every mother who is raising a daughter.
- Heidi McLaughlin
(International speaker, author of Fresh Joy)